Help monocrop farmers transition to regenerative agroforestry
What $1 can accomplish
Trees Planted
Humanity has added way too much CO2 to our atmosphere, leading to climate instability. Meanwhile, the global topsoil is getting depleted and keystones species are under threat.
Trees are one of humanity’s best technologies to capture carbon, restore topsoil, and protect biodiversity.
Forest Gardens help monocrop farmers transition to agroforestry, a method of farming that grows trees that feed the community, while restoring local biodiversity. Forest Gardens have become known as “organic grocery stores in your backyard.”
$1 Return on Donation:
Of CO2 have been emitted since 1850
Rise in global temperature since the industrial revolution
Estimated to die from climate emergencies between 2030-2050
4 - 6 week vetting process per project
“Trees for the Future is making agroforestry and self-sufficiency accessible to folks that are really on the margins. This is a remarkable effort, and is also going to help us as the environment becomes more destabilized by climate.”
“Trees For The Future is creating conditions conducive to life, both people and planet. By being locally attuned and responsive while remaining resource efficient, Forest Gardens adapt to changing conditions enabling farmers to continue to develop and grow out of hunger and poverty. It's a simple and elegant solution to a very complex challenge.”
“This solution is about so much more than planting trees — a solution that helps people, the land, and the climate at the same time by helping the world’s poorest people transition to practices that are more sustainable for themselves and the land. It’s a clear win-win.”
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Trees For The Future identified as the world's current top solution in tree planting.