Humanity's Checklist

The really big goals that our members are crushing. New goals are added periodically.

The Earth Fund
The Ocean Fund
The Wildlife Fund
The Humanity Fund

currently being

The DDC collective super-philanthropist is brewing up more goals to crush.

Grow 12 million Mangrove Trees in the Caribbean (Holy Carbon Capture!)
Life Saving Water Systems for East Africa
Ganges River Pollution Cleanup Technology (Clean 1 Ton of Plastic/week)
Installing Plastic Recycling Infrastructure & Mass Cleanup
Large Underwater Art Installations that Regenerate Coral Reef
Removing Toxic Underwater Munitions (Ammo Dumps Since WW1)
Mass Tree Reforestation With Drones in Mexico
Fortified Rice for Malnourished Children in Northern India

Know a great project?

Submit solutions addressing humanity's checklist.